Mindfulness and our Emotions

Mindfulness and our Emotions

Continuing the mindful investigation

The range of our emotions are vast and rich. They shape, and get shaped by, our experiences. Sometimes, we may be quite aware of our emotions, sad, happy, anxious, scared… Other times, by the time we recognize an emotion, we may have already traversed a landscape of stories, narratives, even experiencing physical responses in our bodies. 

The life of each emotion is about 90 seconds. What keeps us stay inside the experience of an emotion has a bit (or a lot) to do with our minds. The storytelling that our minds are so good at captivates us inside the narrative of the past and the future. Before we notice, we may be remembering, regretting, longing, reliving, ruminating .. (what ever holds true in that moment for us); or we may be worrying, planning, doubting, getting anxious and fearful. It is normal to be thinking of the past to help plan for the future. At the same time, we can all benefit from finding the balance of our emotions guiding our lives in a mindfully aware and skillful way, rather than ruling them. 

What happens when we become curious and kindly aware of our emotions? And reminding ourselves that “I am not my emotion. I am experiencing this emotion”? It is freeing, and for you to find out. 

I’d like to extend you a gift to join Peace of MINDfulness© practice group, for 4 weekly sessions, complimentary, in February 2022. (Select 4 weeks in February in the registration form.)