Grief and The Ocean

Grief and The Ocean

Yasemin Isler

Dec 21, 2017

Like the waves of the ocean, waves of grief come and go.  Like water waves, they wash off the pebbles with a whoosh, whispering as they leave the shores of our hearts. To return back, yet again. Sometimes the return of the grief waves is a soft tap, other times a loud crash.

They rock our hearts in rhythm. We may be familiar with this swirling of waves coming and going from a long time ago. Or their presence may be intimately fresh from new experiences of loss and tenderness. Or, perhaps they may be our first introduction to this ocean of grief and the land of the heart.

Grief ocean, meet heart land. A united force of nature, resisted, pushed away, yet it surrounds us.

How are you in your grief journey and your grief today? Welling up? Dancing with it? Resisting it? Relaxing into it? Turning towards it just enough to know it’s there? Maybe all of the above?

What would happen if you pause and meet this grief, just enough to get to know its ebbs and flows? What happens if you open to it enough to sit with it, listen to it, hear it, feel it, then release it until the next time it flows in?

May you have ease and peace in the shores of love where the tender spots of the heart meet the waves of grief.


-       Yasemin Isler, December, 2017